IT Support

Supporting your IT Support

We understand that sometimes you need to temporarily expand your in-house IT Support. It might be to assist in delivering a project on time, for additional knowledge, or simply to cover for a period of time.

IT Management for SME’s without in-house IT Support

We can take on the management of your IT department if it’s an existing role or if you’re just setting up your first in-house IT department and want an experienced Manager in charge while the department is established.

IT Support for SME’s with in-house IT Support


We can work alongside your existing support to boost your team just when you need it, assisting or taking over roles as needed and providing additional experience from end user support to full network management.

Cover for IT leave

If you need temporary cover for your in-house IT support team, we can help. It may be for maternity, paternity, medical or holiday leave, we can plan to shadow your existing IT support so we’re prepared to take over the role for as long as required.

Emergency Support

Sometimes you don’t know you’re going to need to cover a position until the last minute. Don’t worry! We have immense experience in running busy IT departments and can step in to cover any IT roll you need, for as long as you need it.


We can offer fixable, additional IT assistance to backup your IT department for the times you need it. Adding to their knowledge base and being an extra set of hands.

Contact us today to find out more.
