tinsleyNET Mobile Device Management

Not just a phone

Early mobile phones were big, heavy, and only had 20 minutes battery life.

Mobile devices are so much more than just a phone. In many cases, phone calls are the least used feature of a modern mobile. Having access to mobile internet and internet based apps for social media are by far the most commonly used features on them.

Modern smartphones can replace a lot of the functionality of a small laptop, with phone docks giving access to a large HD screen, full sized keyboard and mouse, the ability to hot desk and take your phone/computer with you is making their use in business more seamless.


While smartphones have become a ubiquitous accessory on most people, the tablet has taken it’s place as the replacement of the home desktop PC.

Less portable than the smartphone, but with a bigger screen and a familiar operating system they are easy to get to grips with, and with apps like Microsoft Office being delivered over the internet, there’s less and less need for a traditional home PC or laptop.


With the emergence of powerful personal smartphones and tablets, users began making use of the new mobility and doing a lot more data processing on their own devices. This is great for productivity but can be a security nightmare, how can you guarantee that the users own device is secure and that any apps they install are not going to steal your company data? And what if the device is lost,  how can you be sure that the user had a secure and strong password, or that company data was in encrypted storage on the device?

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) is one of the most popular ‘your own device’ technology solutions that is now making its way across the workplace. Other variants such as CYOD (Choose Your Own Device) where the company let the user pick from a predetermined list of devices, POCE (Personally Owned, Company Enabled) where a your company manages the use of your personal device, and COPE (Company Owned, Personally Enabled) where your company supplies you with a device and you can use it for personal use.

tinsleyNET IT Servces Consultants #WeCanHelp


We can help you make the most of your mobile device. For personal users, that might mean securing the device against fraudulent activity, and for business it could mean designing and deploying a policy to manage BYOD in the workplace.

Whatever your need, we can advise and implement the security and systems you need to manage your portable devices.