If you or someone you know is looking to improve their IT skills to help them get back into work or startup their own business, Access To Business have some online programs that might be of interest to you or them.
If you’re reading this and think you know someone who would benefit from the courses below, but the don’t have any way to get online at the moment, or are not confident getting online, then contact us and we might be able to help them.
Basic Computer Skills
If you need help with the first steps to being online (turning a computer, phone or tablet on, getting connected, setting up an email account and so on) then the Future Digital Inclusion – Learn My way course is for you.
It’s module based and takes you through every step at your own pace and in a way you can understand and learn from.
Becoming More Confident Accenture Project
This project is aimed two groups of people:
- Those with a current employment history (currently in work or have previously worked) including:
- People aged 25+ years (i.e. not first-time job seekers) interested in building their digital confidence and capability – ready for future job opportunities, and less vulnerable in a digital world.
- Helping people with low digital skills to build their digital skills and confidence to achieve their personal goals
- Providing skills training for enterprise or employment
- Supporting job-seekers 25+ years
- Supporting people in full-time or part-time work to improve their job prospects.
- Young people:
- Skills to Succeed Academy – aimed at people aged 16-24 but also relevant for 25+ years
- Digital Skills online training programme – a partnership with Futurelearn
- Use of existing or new resources, including free online courses through Learn My Way.
Apps & Services – Make IT Happen
There are many modules here designed to teach you how to best use common apps and services such as the many Google services (GMail, Calendar, Docs…) Microsoft services (Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint…) Photography, Online design tools (Canva) and more.
And if you’re after help with Child Tax Credits, Working Tax Credit, PAYE, VAT, National Insurance, JRS (Job Retention Scheme), Tax Returns and Furloughing, the HMRC Sessions are an excellent place to get the information you need.
How do I access the courses?
Simple, just call or email Jim Brennan or Simon Moore at Access To Business and they’ll get you sorted with log in details.

If you need help getting started with technology, remember that we offer a range of services for new businesses, taking care of your IT needs so you can concentrate on what you do best.
We can sort out your IT needs with equipment, websites, email accounts, domain names and everything else IT related, that you might need to help your business flourish.